Isn’t this always the case, though? What about EVs changes what cars are sent to developing countries?
If the world is buying more cars and therefore more cars are being sent to developing countries, how does the new car being an EV change what cars or how many cars are sent? Before EVs many people still bought new cars every 3 to 5 years, and the old cars got sold to someone. It doesn’t matter who bought them, since the gas was still being burned. Now, the same thing is true but the new car might be an EV, and the old car might also be an EV (I’ve traded in 2 full EVs already for new cars).
It doesn’t keep the voters in the dark about anything. It further cements the fact that nobody with any power to do so is willing to actually hold Trump accountable for the many crimes he has committed. It has been 4 fucking years since he has been president and 8 fucking years since this specific crime was committed. They should have sentenced him immediately after conviction like any normal convicted criminal. I guarantee if he gets elected he won’t get sentenced, so why postpone sentencing?